Apple recently released the Macbook Pro with a Touch Bar, and we must say it is an incredible experience. Power users have usually memorized a long list of shortcuts to speed up frequently used functions. But with touch bar, those shortcuts are not only a tap away, they are context specific.

That means that the app can automatically adjust the presented shortcuts based on what you are doing.

We saw this as an enormous opportunity for duet users, who are often trying to improve workflows and be more productive by working smarter.

This is why we focused our development on bringing touch bar to you. With our latest release, you can now add touch bar to any iPad with duet.

We found two ideal use cases for touch bar. The first is anybody who uses an iPad Keyboard. Because you are positioned towards the iPad screen, your hands are perfectly positioned for quick shortcuts. This is why we also decided to add iPad keyboard support for both Mac and PC for this release.

The second is anybody using the iPad Pro as a drawing tablet. For the many digital artists and illustrators using duet with the Apple Pencil, the touch bar is the perfect way to work. There is no need to program shortcuts or memorize workflows; as of now many apps including Photoshop already support touch bar and will present the most useful actions to you automatically.

We hope our release helps bring more users to touch bar and further encourages developer adoption. There is plenty of potential here, and we have more improvements coming. If you have any feedback, questions, or suggestions, please leave it in the comments.

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